“If you travel on smaller jets at least some of the time – you’ll love a Journey. Many of us on Delta (or other carriers) fly in hobbit-size jets, and Journey makes it easy to bring in cabin every time. If you travel on big jets and can brag about bringing your big guitars in Southwest or Air Canada’s roomy bins – you don’t need a Journey. Or maybe even a Voyage Air. Just bring your GS mini, cello, grand piano, whatever and post your “easy travel” stories for us poor schlepps to read with envy while crammed next to Frodo and his kin in munchkin planes. If you fly to places like my home airport in Appleton, WI or many other smaller cities and towns between the coasts – you already understand. And you’ll love a Journey… Overall, the Journey is priced well – at premium vs equivalent guitar without the travel design, but for those that have the need, well worth it. I find it a unique and ideal solution for my travel guitar needs vs anything else currently on the market. If you like a smaller guitar, travel to smaller cities in the USA, and want to play something that feels close to your normal guitars – this is well worth your consideration. It’s Journey’s sweet spot. I love mine.”
– by Carmel Cedar on Acoustic Guitar Forum
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